Friday, June 22, 2012


            Everyone  was  enjoyed  last  school  holiday  with  their  parents  and  siblings  like  having  a  family  day  at  interesting  and  amazing  places,  while  I  was  not.  I  enjoyed  myself  at  my  sweet  garden  called  ‘  Secret  Garden ’.

I  called  it  secret  because  the  garden  is  place  at  secluded  corner,  far  away  from  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  life  and  the  noisy  chatter  of  my  siblings.  Its  soothe  me  up  and  I  can  let  go  all  of  the  worries  and  trobles  that  had  been  circling  in  my  mind.

            As  I  walked  towards  it  each  day,  the  roses’  sweet  scent  welcomes  me  from far.  I  hurried  to  my  lovely  hammock  strung  between  two  trees  in  the  garden.  Once,  lying  back,  a  soft  breeze  blew  in  my  garden  and  I  enjoyed  listening  to  the  rustling  of  leaves.  They  seem  to  be  whispering  in  a  strange  language  that  I  can  not  understand.

            When  I  felt  more  relaxed,  I  like  to  amble  to  the  red  and  white  swing  on  the  other  side  of  my  garden  and  rock  myself  rhythmically.  I  felt  recharged  and  refreshed.  Then,  I  take  a  little  walked  around  the  Secret  Garden,  pruning  some  leaves  here  and  just  stroking  some  there.

            I  poured  water  from  watering  can  and  watched  the  drops  of  water  trickle  down  the  leaves  and  feel  onto  the  porous  earth  which  absorb  it  quickly. 

            In  my  little  paradise,  I  watched  nature  in  motion.  Since  that  day,  I  feel  ready  to  face  the  world  again  after  this.


  1. Bonjour, afiqah. It's the new me. No la just kidding. By the way, I have rad your essay. It's sounds very interesting to me. Can you borrow me to use the one that you called as the "Secret Garden".>< pls. hahaa
    There are some common mistakes that I have found in your writing.
    ->1st paragraph;1st line, "Everyone was enjoyed...". You MUST remember to put after using word like was.
    ->2nd paragraph;3rd line, "all of the worries and trobles...". I'm sure that you have missed spelled it, right? 'It is troubles,dear not trobles.'
    ->3rd paragraph;2nd line, "I feel ready to...". You should 'use felt as it had happen.'
    C'est tout ce que, afiqah!

  2. My friend, Fyqa. I want to tell you to check you spelling carefully..
    The words 'can not' must be 'cannot'..
    That's all..
    Remember okay!!
    Go go Chayok-2
